IGP Compute

One of the touted benefits of Haswell is the compute capability afforded by the IGP.  For anyone using DirectCompute or C++ AMP, the compute units of the HD 4600 can be exploited as easily as any discrete GPU, although efficiency might come into question.  Shown in some of the benchmarks below, it is faster for some of our computational software to run on the IGP than the CPU (particularly the highly multithreaded scenarios). 

Grid Solvers - Explicit Finite Difference on IGP

As before, we test both 2D and 3D explicit finite difference simulations with 2n nodes in each dimension, using OpenMP as the threading operator in single precision.  The grid is isotropic and the boundary conditions are sinks.  We iterate through a series of grid sizes, and results are shown in terms of ‘million nodes per second’ where the peak value is given in the results – higher is better.

Explicit Finite Difference Solver (2D) on IGPExplicit Finite Difference Solver (3D) on IGP

N-Body Simulation on IGP

As with the CPU compute, we run a simulation of 10240 particles of equal mass - the output for this code is in terms of GFLOPs, and the result recorded was the peak GFLOPs value.

N-Body Simulation on IGP

Matrix Multiplication on IGP

Matrix Multiplication occurs in a number of mathematical models, and is typically designed to avoid memory accesses where possible and optimize for a number of reads and writes depending on the registers available to each thread or batch of dispatched threads.  He we have a crude MatMul implementation, and iterate through a variety of matrix sizes to find the peak speed.  Results are given in terms of ‘million nodes per second’ and a higher number is better.

Matrix Multiplication on IGP

3D Particle Movement on IGP

Similar to our 3DPM Multithreaded test, except we run the fastest of our six movement algorithms with several million threads, each moving a particle in a random direction for a fixed number of steps.  Final results are given in million movements per second, and a higher number is better.

3D Particle Movement on IGP

CPU Compute Overclocking Results
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  • grocep@yahoo.com - Sunday, December 15, 2013 - link

    Intel rocks!
  • WaltC - Monday, December 16, 2013 - link

    Interesting article....you mention "z-height"--what is that? Don't you mean Y-height? x=horizontal, y=vertical, z=depth...
  • Simplex - Monday, December 16, 2013 - link

    When will you test memory speed vs BF4 performance?
  • celestialgrave - Monday, December 16, 2013 - link

    So I would assume the benchmarks that show a clear hit going from 2x8gb to 4x8gb is more of an issue of the additional sticks vs the additional memory amount, so going from 2x8gb to 2x16gb wouldn't necessary see the same hit as the 4x8gb kit did?
  • Popskalius - Sunday, February 23, 2014 - link

    do u guys overclock your ram?
    how about remove the brand's plastic covering so they're not too tall?
  • da.Boss - Tuesday, September 20, 2016 - link

    I have the Asus P8h67-M Pro mother board with 2x8 corsair vengeance pro ram, i can't find the xmp option can anybody help

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