In a shock email late on Friday, AMD has released a statement to clarify the situation it is in with the manufacturing of its latest Ryzen processors. And, depending on what kind of a processor you're after, it's both a good and bad announcement.

The downside? AMD is delaying its release of the 16 core Ryzen 9 3950X. Their flagship consumer desktop CPU, which will feature a full 16 CPU cores, was originally slated for September; however it is now delayed until November. According to the company, the delay is needed due to the high demand for these parts and that time is needed to ensure that sufficient stock is available

AMD Ryzen 3000 7 & 9 Series CPUs
AnandTech Cores
TDP Launch Date Price
Ryzen 9 3950X 16C 32T 3.5 4.7 8 MB 64 MB 16+4+4 105W Nov. 2019 $749
Ryzen 9 3900X 12C 24T 3.8 4.6 6 MB 64 MB 16+4+4 105W July 2019 $499
Ryzen 7 3800X 8C 16T 3.9 4.5 4 MB 32 MB 16+4+4 105W July 2019 $399
Ryzen 7 3700X 8C 16T 3.6 4.4 4 MB 32 MB 16+4+4 65W July 2019 $329

The upside? The next generation of Threadripper processors are coming, and they will enter the market in November as well. These parts will start at 24 cores, so anyone needing single-socket CPUs with more than 12 cores will find themselves with an abundance of options to choose from.

The statement from AMD says:

We are focusing on meeting the strong demand for our 3rd generation AMD Ryzen processors in the market and now plan to launch both the AMD Ryzen 9 3950X and initial members of the 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen Threadripper processor family in volume this November. We are confident that when enthusiasts get their hands on the world’s first 16-core mainstream desktop processor and our next-generation of high-end desktop processors, the wait will be well worth it.

As far as we understand, this is nothing to do with recent reports of TSMC requiring 6 months for new 7nm orders: the silicon for these processors would have been ordered months ago, with the only real factor being binning and meeting demand. It will be interesting to see how the intersection of the 16 core with next gen Ryzen will play out. 

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  • Phynaz - Friday, September 20, 2019 - link

    Another Month Delay

    AMD staying true to form.
  • catavalon21 - Sunday, September 22, 2019 - link

    Another pointless comment. Phynaz staying true to form.
  • Spunjji - Monday, September 23, 2019 - link

    Now do Intel 10nm
  • LiquidSilverZ - Monday, September 23, 2019 - link

    It's Not True, Excuses, Lies
  • Phynaz - Tuesday, September 24, 2019 - link

    Good one!
  • Trikkiedikkie - Thursday, September 26, 2019 - link

    Similar to Intel then. With all their fabs and money they still cannot get the 10 going, raising prices to stupid levels and still ot able to deliver.

    The stupid ones are the people buying Intel
  • sygreenblum - Friday, September 20, 2019 - link

    The decision to purchase the 3900x was a no brainer. 50 percent more cores and double the cache for only $100 more then the 3800X. 3950x is a much harder sell at only 33 percent more cores and same amount of cache for $250 more. Threadripper might be interesting depending on the price points though.
  • JoeAceJR - Friday, September 20, 2019 - link

    The 3950x has 72 megabytes of L3 cache. The 3900x has 64.
  • Hul8 - Friday, September 20, 2019 - link

    No it doesn't. Total L2+L3 cache is 72MB (8MB of L2 and 64MB of L3). For comparison, the 3900X has 4 cores less, so at 0.5MB of L2/core it also sheds 2MB off the L2 for a total of 70MB.

    AMD's site:
    - 3900X:
    - 3950X:

    Since Ryzen CPUs use L3 as a victim cache, it acts as an extension of L2, and therefore the numbers are sometimes added together. It's another matter entirely that each core only has access to the L3 attached to its CCX - 16MB. Each core's L2 caches will often contain some of the same data, as will different CCXes' L3 cache slices.

    Also, since each CPU die has only 32MB of L3, there is no way you could get more with just two of them.
  • beedoo - Saturday, September 21, 2019 - link

    I think it's about time that AMD reinvented it's GHz rating. They should totally forget about their Boost clock and show the combined base-clock GHz.

    The 3900X could be 45.6 combined GHz; The 3950X would be 56GHz.

    Either way, you can't get done for misrepresentation here, and the best Intel could spin with it's 9900 series CPU's is 28GHz or 50GHz if it went with all-core turbo.

    The point being, the numbers are all pretty meaningless anyway as there's significantly more to CPU power these days than just GHz.

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