
As Qualcomm's exclusivity for Arm-powered processors for Windows PCs is reportedly coming to its end, other chipmakers are getting ready to offer their Arm-based system-on-chips for Windows computers. And, according to a new report from Reuters, MediaTek will be among the companies jumping into the Windows-on-Arm field, with plans to launch their first PC processor late next year. MediaTek's system-on-chip for Windows PCs will rely on Arm's 'ready-made designs,' according to Reuters. Which in turn hints that MediaTek would be using Arm's compute sub-system (CSS) for client PCs, a building block designed to significantly speed up development of SoCs. With the vauge nature of the Reuters report, however, which version of Arm's IP MediaTek might be using remains unclear, and the answer to that will largely...

Windows 8 Syncs Settings Between Systems Using Windows Live ID

Today on the Building Windows 8 blog, Katie Frigon explains how user settings, Metro apps purchased through the Windows app store, and other data can be synced across Windows...

4 by Andrew Cunningham on 9/26/2011

Flash Player 11 in Early October, Says Adobe

Flash Player 11, the next major version of Adobe's near-ubiquitous browser plug-in, is now officially set for release in early October, the company said in a press release today...

31 by Andrew Cunningham on 9/21/2011

Microsoft Details Revamped Windows 8 Boot and Diagnostic Menus

In the latest Building Windows 8 blog post, Microsoft's Billie Sue Chafins details some of the improvements and changes made to Windows' boot and diagnostic screens to make them...

8 by Andrew Cunningham on 9/21/2011

Windows 8 Malware Protection Detailed

Every new version of Windows has done something to help alleviate the platform's chronic malware problem, and Windows 8 will be no different: Microsoft's Jason Garms takes to the...

13 by Andrew Cunningham on 9/15/2011

Metro Internet Explorer 10 to be Plug-in Free

When using the browser's Metro interface, Internet Explorer 10 will be completely plug-in free, says Microsoft's Dean Hachamovitch on the Building Windows 8 blog. The new browser will depend...

15 by Andrew Cunningham on 9/15/2011

A look at Windows 8 Tablets running on TI, Qualcomm, Nvidia, AMD and Intel silicon

This afternoon (and yesterday) we had a chance to meet with a number of SoC vendors who have partnered with Microsoft for Windows 8. Each of them has their...

94 by Brian Klug on 9/14/2011

Microsoft BUILD: Windows 8, A Pre-Beta Preview

We’re here in Anaheim, California at Microsoft’s BUILD conference. As has become tradition Microsoft has been holding major developer conferences for their new OSes roughly a year ahead of...

236 by Brian Klug & Ryan Smith on 9/13/2011

Windows 8 Features Vastly Improved Boot Times

Windows 8 news continues to trickle from the Building Windows 8 blog at a steady clip: today, Gabe Aul detailed changes to the Windows 8 boot process that promise...

52 by Andrew Cunningham on 9/9/2011

Microsoft Integrating Hyper-V Into Windows 8 Client

Microsoft is beefing up virtualization support in Windows 8 with Hyper-V, writes Microsoft's Mathew John on the Building Windows 8 blog. Hyper-V was previously available in Windows Server 2008...

9 by Andrew Cunningham on 9/7/2011

Microsoft Explains Relationship Between Windows 8 User Interfaces

Today's Building Windows 8 blog post, written by Steven Sinofsky, isn't really about a new Windows 8 feature or tweak, but rather about how the new-style Metro tablet UI...

21 by Andrew Cunningham on 8/31/2011

Windows 8 Improves Native Support for ISO, VHD Files

Today's Building Windows 8 blog post is from Rajeev Nagar, and describes how Windows 8 can natively mount and work with files stored in ISO and VHD files. For those...

16 by Andrew Cunningham on 8/30/2011

Windows Explorer Gets Ribbon Interface in Windows 8

The Windows 8 details continue: Today on the Building Windows 8 blog, Alex Simons takes us through some changes to the Windows Explorer, chief among them the fact that...

45 by Andrew Cunningham on 8/29/2011

Windows 8 Aims to Improve File Copy Operations

The trickle of Windows 8 news continues ahead of next month's BUILD conference: today on the Building Windows 8 Blog, Microsoft's Alex Simons detailed several improvements to the way...

39 by Andrew Cunningham on 8/24/2011

Native USB 3.0 Support Coming to Windows 8

Windows 8 will be bringing with it native support for USB 3.0 controllers, writes Microsoft's Dennis Flanagan, Director of Program Management for the Devices and Networking Group. This is...

19 by Andrew Cunningham on 8/22/2011

Microsoft Opens Windows 8 Development Blog

It seems like not all that long ago we were talking about the launch of Windows 7, but 2012 is right around the corner, and it's bringing Windows 8...

16 by Andrew Cunningham on 8/15/2011

OS X Lion Server's Directory Service Can't Host Windows Clients

As we mentioned in our review of Mac OS X Lion, Apple either chose to or was forced to make changes to how the SMB file sharing protocol was...

6 by Andrew Cunningham on 8/2/2011

MSI Announces WindPad 110W With New AMD Z-01

The tablet market is expanding every bit as rapidly as netbooks did when they first arrived, and then some. MSI has announced their entry into the market today, and...

37 by Dustin Sklavos on 7/7/2011

Windows Thin PC: Windows, Slimmed Down

Last month, Microsoft released a Community Technology Preview (CTP, in essence a public beta) of something called Windows Thin PC. This business-oriented operating system’s given purpose is both to...

47 by Andrew Cunningham on 4/28/2011

Windows Home Server v2 'Vail': Drive Extender v2 Dismissed

Back in April we dissected Drive Extender v2 – Microsoft’s storage pool and data duplication technology for Windows Home Server – based upon the first preview release of Windows...

45 by Ryan Smith on 11/24/2010

Apple MacBook Pro 13: Can a Mac Be a Decent Windows Laptop?

Apple fans, please forgive me, and feel free to skip this post. I have been testing out a MacBook Pro 13 running Windows 7 and have put it through...

118 by Vivek Gowri on 10/14/2010

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