Today UPS dropped off my Xbox 360 Slim (codename Valhalla) and I did exactly what you'd expect me to: run power numbers on it and take the whole thing apart. I've posted pics of the system compared to the old Jasper Xbox 360 here and a gallery of my dissection of the system here. Expect to see some power and noise data soon followed by a detailed dissection guide. And if you're looking to get your hands on one the Microsoft Store apparently got a shipment of around 20,000 boxes and aren't anywhere near selling them all out.

Enjoy :)

Update: Our guide is live!

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  • bill4 - Friday, June 18, 2010 - link

    That with all the hardware saving 360 slim surely brings, they didn't kick a 50 dollar price drop our way.

    Kinect screws everything up though pricing wise. I'm convinced if Kinect had never entered MS plans, we would definitely see a price drop this fall, and very well might have seen one in 2009 too. As of now because they'll probably need to heavily bundle Kinect, and they're probably waiting to see if Kinect demand is so high they can overcharge for it, etc etc etc, the whole normal pricing curve they would be going down is on indefinite hold. For example, one option theyre probably looking at is bundling Kinect for "free". But it wont be "free" of course, it just means we wont get the price drop that would have happened this fall had Kinect never existed.
  • adcurtin - Friday, June 18, 2010 - link

    Is the power supply still only 120V? I'm about to go abroad and was planning on taking a 360 and acquiring a PSU abroad. I'm curious if this will remedy that.
  • webmastir - Friday, June 18, 2010 - link

    awesome job. thanks for the info anand
  • Belard - Friday, June 18, 2010 - link

    The earlier low-res pics... I thought the new 360-slim was kind of ugly.

    Now, high-res with excellent lighting form this article, its even UGLIER... how hard is it to design something?

    The new PS3-Slim looks... slim and better, for the most part over the original. The 360-slim is more like a 360-Midget. And with it standing up, it seems even more unstable when it comes to loading and unloading discs. This is where the slot-load makes life easier.
  • Belard - Friday, June 18, 2010 - link

    Okay, just went over the photos..

    Boy, upgrading the HD is a whole lot harder than on a PS3... a single screw.

    Got a better name for the 360-slim... er not so-slim. The PS3 slim *IS* slim and sexy.

    Lets call it the 360-Midget!
  • paihuaizhe - Sunday, June 20, 2010 - link

    (nike-alliance).(com)=>is a leading worldwide wholesaler company (or u can say


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