Stuntin': $300+ Single and Multi-GPU Graphics Solutions

From the introduction of the GeForce GTX 280, it hasn't done enough to justify it's own price. The GTX 280 is the fastest single GPU in most games out there, but the Radeon HD 4870 1GB leads the GTX 280 in performance in too many cases for us to be comfortable recommending spending a lot more money even just to have the fastest single GPU out there -- since it sometimes is not. Until now, based on the value of the hardware, we recommend those looking at the GTX 280 go with the cheaper Radeon HD 4870 1GB or a highly overclocked GTX 260 core 216 unless they are looking at going with SLI. Price drops and rebate madness have gone quite far, and the GeForce GTX 280 is now available at a decent price. You do still pay a premium for the card, but it is a premium we can stomach and that makes sense. Since AMD doesn't have a part that directly competes with the GeForce GTX 280, we give the $300 nod to NVIDIA. Had the price remained closer to the $400 mark, we would left the GTX 280 off our recommended list altogether.

Selling at around half of what it debuted at: The GeForce GTX 280 (Image From

Single-GPU Recommendation: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280


Newegg ZipZoomFly TigerDirect
MSI GeForce GTX 280
EVGA GeForce GTX 280
BFG GeForce GTX 280 EVGA GeForce GTX 280
$300 $325 $345


What buyers get for their money here is playability on 30" monitors with the highest quality settings and antialiasing in almost every game. There are some new games that won't be playable with everything turned up, and as with everything else games that come out will continue to demand more and more horsepower. But in the meantime, this stuff is the cream of the crop. For monitors smaller than 30", spending this kind of cash isn't really necessary. For huge (60"+) HDTVs, these solutions could also be useful as they can provide huge levels of antialiasing that could help improve image quality on monitors with very large pixels. If you've got a smaller monitor (19x12 or below on a less than 30" display), you'll be better off going with a cheaper card and saving up for a bigger monitor.

Beyond $300, and aside from the GTX 280, this market encompasses the world of multiGPU solutions. The Radeon HD 4870 1GB, GeForce GTX 260 SLI and GeForce GTX 280 SLI are the options here. The Radeon HD 4870 X2 is currently the only single card multiGPU option available at the ultra high end, and thus this is the option you will want if you only have a single PCIe x16 slot on your board. The added advantage that the 4870 X2 runs in any PC also helps. It is for these reasons that the Radeon HD 4870 X2 gets our recommendation here.

Image From

Multi-GPU Recommendation: AMD Radeon HD 4870 X2

Newegg ZipZoomFly TigerDirect
Sapphire Radeon HD 4870 X2
Gigabyte Radeon HD 4870 X2
Sapphire Radeon HD 4870 X2 Diamond Radeon HD 4870 X2
$500 $460 $535


For those who don't mind multiple card multiGPU solutions, we whole heartedly recommend going with NVIDIA's SLI on a supported Intel Core i7 system. This combo will bring you the maximum performance you can find on PCs today. The return on investment isn't there, but there is always a premium to have the best of the best. Three way SLI with GeForce GTX 280 on a 3.2 GHz i7 system is the ultimate build today. Even though we don't recommend this option both for the protection of your wallet and because the cost benefit analysis is not favorable, this is the only option for those who need the highest performance out there.

Final Words

That does it for our recommendations for this holiday season. Remember that these prices might change even day to day at this point, but some of these deals are absolutely terrific. Of special note are the Radeon HD 4830 for $85, the Radeon HD 4850 for $130, and the 1GB Radeon HD 4870 for $220. Pay attention to mail in rebates here, as most of these great deals are enabled by them. You'll have to do a little more shopping around if avoiding mail in rebates is particularly important. But some of these deals are just too impressive to pass up.

To the East Side: $220 - $300 Graphics Cards
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  • SiliconDoc - Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - link

    How about " if you do FOLDING at Home " trying to find a cure for cancer, the price points being so close, and Nvidia cards EXCELLING at 5-10 times the performance of ATI cards for folding at home, your choice is CLEAR - Nvidia is the way to go.

    NO - no chance of it, huh.

    One recommendation comes for HTPC concerning size and heat - for ATI of course from you, but when it comes to the GTX260 that has BETTER power and heat characteristics... don't mention that.

    Whatever. Total SLANT.
  • SiliconDoc - Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - link

    I see, when the Nvidia wins in performance, you cite a non existent price advantage ( like on the 130-180 page).

    You recommend the 512 ram version of the 4870 - never even mentioning the superior 896 ram on the GTX260/192 WHICH HAS BEEN $200 AT NEW EGG SINCE THE BEGINNING OF OCTOBER....with A FREE GAME

    But your text says before November you would have never recommended the GTX260 (even 192 apparently) ... when the 4870 512 WAS MORE EXPENSIVE - WAY MORE EXPENSIVE.

    So, when it's lower performance you want to save 5 bucks, you recommend the ATI card....

    I am so sick of it. Before November the 8.12's were not out- so the 10% performance increase wasnt there.

    You've ENTIRELY ignored CUDA and PHysX - why don't let that influence ANYONE....

    What a CROCK of a review.

    How about " if you already have an 8 series nvidia card and another pci-e slot- we fdefinitely recommend going with the NVidia choice in ALL CATEGORIES, because you can use your current NVidia card as a dedicated PhysX processor...."

    NO - NO CHANCE of ever mentioning it.
  • SiliconDoc - Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - link

    At newegg RIGHT NOW the lowest 4830 is 89.99, and the lowest 9800GT is 89.99

    I see where you MENTIONED the 9800GT and decided PRICE favored the 4830.

    Whatever. You're bleeding red.

    Am I supposed to comclude there's just 1 NVidia I should buy, or did I miss 1 other, since you also listed them SECOND in your entire piece no matter what ?

    Why didn't you name the piece " Why only ATI should be purchased! " ?
  • SiliconDoc - Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - link

    So the 9800GT for around $105 is not mentioned... LOL

    You pretended it doesn't exist.

    You managed to ignore it by picking the EXACT dollar categories that would allow you to. rofl

    Tell me what does the 9800GT do for gaming - what card do you compare it to with ATI ? lol

    Shame, shame.
  • SiliconDoc - Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - link

    The 9800GT whips the 4830">

    High rezz and plenty of AA and AF.

    Oh well, only red cards will do.
  • Schmide - Thursday, December 18, 2008 - link

    Before I went to bed it pointed to the MSI gtx 280. Looks good to me now.
  • mlemboyo - Tuesday, November 9, 2021 - link

    *touches ground* this was a place of much cultural heritage, no doubt the scene for some grand event

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