Battery Life

Built on what Intel now calls Intel 7, the new Alder Lake processors do not get a completely new foundry node to reduce power consumption. The idea of having P-Cores and E-Cores though is an interesting one for the laptop space, as in theory the E-Cores could lower power consumption quite a bit. However, that discussion will need to likely wait for the thin and light notebooks to arrive with U-Series and P-Series processors as a H-Series device with a massive RTX 3080L Ti GPU, DDR5-4800, multiple PCIe 4.0 SSDs, and a 360 Hz display are not going to be a showcase for power efficiency of a processor.

As always, our battery life tests have the display set to 200 nits brightness and the system set in its most efficient mode.

Web Battery

Battery Life 2016 - Web

Our first test shows that the Raider GE76, despite a 99.9 Wh battery, performs very poorly if used as a portable computer. Thankfully it is not really intended to be used this way, as it is big and heavy to carry around, but the regression over the outgoing Tiger Lake model is clear. What is also very clear is how much better AMD is able to power-gate its large discrete GPU compared to NVIDIA, as the AMD gaming system dominates in the battery life tests.

Battery Life 2016 - Web - Normalized

The normalized results remove the battery size from the equation and drops the new Raider GE76 to the bottom of the results. There are several variables, so it is difficult to pinpoint exactly what is causing the power consumption regression, but likely DDR5-4800 is a part of it.

PCMark Modern Office Battery

PCMark 10 Modern Office Battery

The PCMark test will run a series of workloads in a ten-minute window, and if a device finishes the work quicker, it is able to idle for a larger percentage of the ten minutes, which probably assists the new Alder Lake system here as it is overall a more performant device compared to the outgoing Tiger Lake laptop.

Movie Playback

Battery Life Movie Playback

The battery life regression is even more pronounced in the battery life playback time. Clearly there is a significant amount of passive power draw in this system.

Battery Life Tesseract

Looking at the Tesseract score, which divide the movie playback time by the length of the movie The Avengers shows that you would run out of juice halfway through your third viewing.

Battery Life Summary

In a word the battery life could be summed up as "unimpressive". The Raider GE76 is not an ideal test bed to determine CPU efficiency under load since the underlying power draw is significant. To see how Alder Lake compares we will have to wait for more power efficient platforms to get more meaningful results.

Storage Performance

Unlike with the desktop counterpart for Alder Lake, the laptop variants are limited to “just” PCIe 4.0 storage. The Raider GE76 offers support for two of them, and the system shipped with two Samsung PM9A1 PCIe 4.0 drives at 1 TB each.

PCMark 10 System Drive Benchmark Average Access Time

PCMark 10 System Drive Benchmark Bandwidth

PCMark 10 System Drive Benchmark Score

The drive performance is class leading, with the highest results we have ever achieved in the PCMark Full System Drive test.

Gaming Performance Initial Thoughts
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  • KPOM - Tuesday, January 25, 2022 - link

    It would be interesting to throw in a few tests to see how this performs against the M1 Max in the MacBook Pro. Obviously the MacBook Pro isn't optimized for gaming, but I can think of some tests (video encoding, etc.) that would be suitable for a cross-platform comparison.
  • Brett Howse - Tuesday, January 25, 2022 - link

    I don't have one sadly. I think it would be a good comparison as well.
  • IGTrading - Tuesday, January 25, 2022 - link

    On of the worst Intel launches in recent history.

    Gone are the 300+ design wins from the time of Haswell. Intel barely has managed to get Alder Lake into 100 laptops, using all its clout, money & influence, while AMD ... unsurprisingly, has more than 200 design wins for Ryzen 6000 series.

    Use a 330W power brick and the largest possible battery and call this "mobile" ? :) Pathetic.

    I'm really eager to see Alder Lake performing at 25W and see the true performance and efficiency.

    When getting down to earth, in the 15W~ 35W space, I think the competition with AMD will be tight, but definitely no "+30% performance for 200% more power consumption".

    Looking forward to see normal Alder Lake laptops competing with AMD Ryzen 6000 series.
  • temps - Tuesday, January 25, 2022 - link

    Again I'm flummoxed as to how anandtech, a very smart, extremely well written site staffed by highly educated people, has a comment section full of incredible dumb, poorly thought out and blatantly partisan fanboys
  • m53 - Tuesday, January 25, 2022 - link

    @temps: I second.
  • Spunjji - Thursday, January 27, 2022 - link

    Doctor, heal thyself
  • Meenimynimo - Tuesday, January 25, 2022 - link

    There are >300 designs for alder lake laptop. Of these, 100 will be Alder Lake-H, and 100 will be Alder Lake Evo (overlap with H, P, and U).

    Ryzen 6000 is DOA
  • IGTrading - Wednesday, January 26, 2022 - link

    @Meenimynimo could you please post a link to the source of the information ? Who said that Intel has more than 300 design winds for Alder-Lake at launch ?
  • Spunjji - Thursday, January 27, 2022 - link

    200 design wins, feature parity, and superior power efficiency in a power-constrained platform is "DOA"? Okay.
  • Techtree101 - Tuesday, January 25, 2022 - link

    When is it actually available? I missed that part.

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