System Performance

Not all motherboards are created equal. On the face of it, they should all perform the same and differ only in the functionality they provide - however, this is not the case. The obvious pointers are power consumption, but also the ability for the manufacturer to optimize USB speed, audio quality (based on audio codec), POST time and latency. This can come down to manufacturing process and prowess, so these are tested.

Power Consumption

Power consumption was tested on the system while in a single GPU configuration with a wall meter connected to the Corsair HX 750 power supply. This power supply is Platinum rated. As I am in the US on a 120 V supply, leads to ~87% efficiency > 75W, and 92%+ efficiency at 375W, suitable for both idle and multi-GPU loading. This method of power reading allows us to compare the power management of the UEFI and the board to supply components with power under load, and includes typical PSU losses due to efficiency. These are the real world values that consumers may expect from a typical system (minus the monitor) using this motherboard.

While this method for power measurement may not be ideal, and you feel these numbers are not representative due to the high wattage power supply being used (we use the same PSU to remain consistent over a series of reviews, and the fact that some boards on our test bed get tested with three or four high powered GPUs), the important point to take away is the relationship between the numbers. These boards are all under the same conditions, and thus the differences between them should be easy to spot.

Power: Long Idle (w/ GTX 980)

Power: OS Idle (w/ GTX 980)

Power: Prime95 Blend (w/ GTX 980)

The power consumption tests for the MSI X299 XPower Gaming AC show it using a little more power than most of the boards we have tested so far idling at 81W in Windows and 77W while idle. The lions share of results are in the upper 60s to low 70s for long idle and lower 70s for the OS idle. The load results brought things back to about average at 214W, about the same as five other boards. Overall, power use was a bit higher on this board.  


Different motherboards have different POST sequences before an operating system is initialized. A lot of this is dependent on the board itself, and POST boot time is determined by the controllers on board (and the sequence of how those extras are organized). As part of our testing, we look at the POST Boot Time using a stopwatch. This is the time from pressing the ON button on the computer to when Windows 10 starts loading. (We discount Windows loading as it is highly variable given Windows specific features.


POST times on this board were just below 30 seconds leaving the XPower Gaming AC in the lower half of results. This result makes it the second quickest MSI board we have tested, however it is still in the lower third for boot times compared to the rest of the datasets.  

DPC Latency

Deferred Procedure Call latency is a way in which Windows handles interrupt servicing. In order to wait for a processor to acknowledge the request, the system will queue all interrupt requests by priority. Critical interrupts will be handled as soon as possible, whereas lesser priority requests such as audio will be further down the line. If the audio device requires data, it will have to wait until the request is processed before the buffer is filled.

If the device drivers of higher priority components in a system are poorly implemented, this can cause delays in request scheduling and process time. This can lead to an empty audio buffer and characteristic audible pauses, pops and clicks. The DPC latency checker measures how much time is taken processing DPCs from driver invocation. The lower the value will result in better audio transfer at smaller buffer sizes. Results are measured in microseconds. 

Deferred Procedure Call Latency

Our DPC Latency results are nothing extraordinary with another test sample fitting in notably under the 300-microsecond threshold. The X299 XPower Gaming AC showed 270 microseconds placing it in the bottom half of results. 

Benchmark Overview CPU Performance: Short Form
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  • The_Assimilator - Thursday, May 10, 2018 - link

    "Five total M.2 slots with full bandwidth? Check."

    Last time I checked, three and five were not equivalent.
  • Ket_MANIAC - Thursday, May 10, 2018 - link

    Last time I checked, Anand still worked here. Sad!
  • The_Assimilator - Friday, May 11, 2018 - link

    Yeah, back before this site's proofreading took a Purch to the knee.
  • PhrogChief - Friday, May 11, 2018 - link

    I mean... "GAMING" on everything now? Seriously... I thought playing games was just ONE of the things us PC enthusiast types do with the computers we build...

    What ever happened to -PRO, or -DELUXE, or WORKSTATION, boards, etc... Now everything is for GAMING! GAMING HEADPHONES!!! Same as the nice studio monitors, just now with HIDEOUS COLORS AND LIGHTS!!! Fcuking shoot me...
  • Diji1 - Sunday, May 13, 2018 - link

    OK, OK, no need to get histrionic about a non-existent problem.
  • blingon - Friday, May 11, 2018 - link

    > The chipset shroud looks almost like a reactor core

    Actually, it really doesn't.
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