Gaming Performance

Ashes of the Singularity

Ashes of the Singularity is a Real Time Strategy game developed by Oxide Games and Stardock Entertainment. The original AoTS was released back in March of 2016 while the standalone expansion pack, Escalation, was released in November of 2016 adding more structures, maps, and units. We use this specific benchmark as it relies on both a good GPU as well as on the CPU in order to get the most frames per second. This balance is able to better display any system differences in gaming as opposed to a more GPU heavy title where the CPU and system don't matter quite as much. We use the default "Crazy" in-game settings using the DX11 rendering path in both 1080p and 4K UHD resolutions. The benchmark is run four times and the results averaged then plugged into the graph. 

Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation - 1080p

Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation - 4K UHD

Our AOTSe testing continues to be a tight-knit dataset with almost 2 frames per second separating things in the more CPU heavy 1080p setting. The ASRock X299 Extreme 4 performed will in the 1080p testing coming in second at 44.4 FPS, but lagged behind a bit in 4K testing at 33.1 FPS. This was one FPS lower (about 3%) than the next fastest result and a new low. That said, the performance difference between the fastest and slowest is literally 2 FPS, or a bit less than 6%. 

Rise of the Tomb Raider

Rise of the Tomb Raider is a third-person action-adventure game that features similar gameplay found in 2013's Tomb Raider. Players control Lara Croft through various environments, battling enemies, and completing puzzle platforming sections while using improvised weapons and gadgets in order to progress through the story.

One of the unique aspects of this benchmark is that it’s actually the average of 3 sub-benchmarks that fly through different environments, which keeps the benchmark from being too weighted towards a GPU’s performance characteristics under any one scene.

Rise of the Tomb Raider - 1080p

Rise of the Tomb Raider - 4K UHD

Rise of the Tomb Raider results continues to be close together with the board delivering 94.1 FPS at 1080p and 40.2 FPS using 4K UHD resolution. Thes results have it as the fastest and second fastest in our ROTR testing. 

CPU Performance: Short Form Overclocking with the i9-7900X
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  • Ket_MANIAC - Thursday, April 26, 2018 - link

    Not to mention, not a single X399 motherboard review. Especially considering those CPU's are datacenter products and AnandTech specializes in reviewing products pertaining to that category.
  • MDD1963 - Friday, April 27, 2018 - link

    Threadripper/X399 is HEDT, not really 'Datacenter'....(not that it would do badly in a smal/medium business, for sure)
  • Galcobar - Monday, April 30, 2018 - link

    Considering this latest X299 review is labelled as HEDT, and almost every motherboard review lately has been for X299, a review of X399 as an HEDT platform should fit right in.

    Somehow, no.

    If it's so good for the industry to have AMD back on a competitive footing, it only makes sense to provide at least a few crumbs on the platform components. What's the point of reviewing the processors, and never the motherboards required to run the processors?
  • Ket_MANIAC - Tuesday, May 1, 2018 - link

    My thoughts exactly. Hopefully, by the time 2nd gen Threadripper launches, they will have reviews. Hopefully! I loved this website more when Anand ran it.
  • DanNeely - Thursday, April 26, 2018 - link

    In addition to how much RGB cancer a board has, could you start noting if it can all be disabled in BIOS/etc?
  • Total Meltdowner - Thursday, April 26, 2018 - link

    Hahaha, so true. The last thing I need is my room glowing at night if I leave my computer on to DL torrents.
  • StrangerGuy - Friday, April 27, 2018 - link

    LED indicators are so bright these days to the point of obnoxious in an unlit room.
  • CEH - Thursday, April 26, 2018 - link

    I run an Asrock Z270M Extreme 4 with macOS High Sierra and Windows 10, chosen mainly for its Thunderbolt 3 AIC. I've been very happy with its function and performance. As well as good value for money, they provide very good micro-ATX products. I'm very interested in their X299M Extreme 4. Will you be reviewing it soon?
  • MDD1963 - Friday, April 27, 2018 - link

    Intel would sell a lot more of these if they'd bring the price down to to $499 or so.... :)
  • MDD1963 - Friday, April 27, 2018 - link

    (7900X, I mean....)

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