C&C Generals: Zero Hour Performance no AA/AF

In Zero Hour, we saw the average frame rate drop about 0.5 fps. This isn't really something to get worried about as 1% difference isn't significant and is probably just a margin of error thing. All this really tells us is that we are limited somewhere other than the GPU for this game under the ATI cards.

C&C Generals: Zero Hour Performance 4xAA/8xAF

When we enable AA/AF, we see that taxing the GPU a little more gives us a leg up on the competition. Still not a significant gain, but at least we know we're not performing lower that the 3.7 Cats.

Aquamark3 Performance EVE: The Second Genesis Performance
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  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 - link

    I think you guys should've tried to find a way to see what it's actually overclocking to.
    .5fps is forgetable and considering the amount of cards that have been going over 460 core and 400 memory in old fashioned manual overclocking, it would be a nice reference point.
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 - link

    well done.

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