ATTO's Disk Benchmark is a quick and easy freeware tool to measure drive performance across various transfer sizes.

ATTO Performance

With write speeds that exceed 2.3 GB/s and read speeds that almost hit 3 GB/s, the Patriot Hellfire has no trouble delivering very high performance on shorter tests and with compressible data. Performance scales well with transfer size until around 64 kB, after which it takes quite a while for performance to fully saturate.


AS-SSD is another quick and free benchmark tool. It uses incompressible data for all of its tests, making it an easy way to keep an eye on which drives are relying on transparent data compression. The short duration of the test makes it a decent indicator of peak drive performance.

Incompressible Sequential Read PerformanceIncompressible Sequential Write Performance

The Patriot Hellfire can't quite keep up with Samsung's latest generation, but it still ties or slightly beats the rest of the competition even though the use of incompressible data slows it down some.

Idle Power Consumption

Since the ATSB tests based on real-world usage cut idle times short to 25ms, their power consumption scores paint an inaccurate picture of the relative suitability of drives for mobile use. During real-world client use, a solid state drive will spend far more time idle than actively processing commands. We report two measures of idle power consumption: active idle where the SSD is not in use but has not been put in to any low-power sleep state, and idle power consumption in the deepest sleep state supported by our testbed. For NVMe SSDs, the lowest drive power state is measured but PCIe Active State Power Management (ASPM) is not used due to limitations of this motherboard. For SATA SSDs, aggressive link power management is used to put the SATA link into slumber state. Many SSDs support a deeper DevSleep state, but this cannot be engaged using ordinary desktop platforms.

Idle Power Consumption
Active Idle Power Consumption (No LPM)

The Patriot Hellfire has by far the worst power management, and is barely able to get below 1 W even in the deepest low-power state. If NVMe power saving is not used, the Hellfire never drops below 2 W. This means the Hellfire starts out any performance test far closer to thermal throttling than any other SSD. (The OCZ RD400A is using slightly more power than the Hellfire because of the overhead of its 12V to 3.3V conversion circuit.)

Mixed Read/Write Performance Final Words
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  • bug77 - Friday, February 10, 2017 - link

    Patriot Minuteman! :D
  • Yaldabaoth - Friday, February 10, 2017 - link

    Perhaps they are referring to the thermal characteristics.
  • lmcd - Saturday, February 11, 2017 - link

    "Logged in just to upvote this" -- comment systems in 2000
  • extide - Saturday, February 11, 2017 - link

    ehh back in that era "upvoting" wasn't a thing -- people would just say "this" or "x2"
  • romrunning - Friday, February 10, 2017 - link

    Looking at its performance, they should have named it the "Campfire"! :)
  • BurntMyBacon - Monday, February 13, 2017 - link

    I'm going to go with "Stinger" ... to keep consistent with the missile theme.

    Who is it that's getting stung again?
  • random2 - Sunday, February 12, 2017 - link

    You got it. Seems kind of odd that a teck company marketing a retail product would use a naming convention associated with weapons being used around the world to kill and maim people. Wanna keep the politics away from your business? I vote with my dollar.
  • Holliday75 - Monday, February 13, 2017 - link

    We should petition the Pentagon to request they stop this practice of buying weapons with mean names as well. The Hellfire seems like a great platform, but we do not like the name. Call it Fluffy Kittens and we'll purchase 10,00 of them.
  • Stas - Monday, February 20, 2017 - link

  • Gothmoth - Friday, February 10, 2017 - link

    samsung all the way.. this stuff is just for cheapos.....

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