HTPC Credentials

The ZBOX MAGNUS EN980 impressed us with its noise profile for HTPC duties. The ZBOX MAGNUS EN1080 takes it one step further. The fan curves have been altered due to better power management from the GPU. The end result is that the noise profile is even better than that of the EN980. Liquid cooling enables the fans to operate at very low speeds compared to the regular heat sink and blower combinations used in other mini-PCs. Obviously, the unit is not for the discerning HTPC enthusiast who is better off with a passively cooled system. Its acoustic profile doesn't do any disservice to the EN1080's chances of being used as a gaming HTPC.

Refresh Rate Accuracy

Starting with Haswell, Intel, AMD and NVIDIA have been on par with respect to display refresh rate accuracy. The most important refresh rate for videophiles is obviously 23.976 Hz (the 23 Hz setting). As we have come to expect from NVIDIA, the default refresh rate accuracy is not that great, though they do allow fine-tuning of the refresh rate unlike other GPU vendors.

The gallery below presents some of the other refresh rates that we tested out. The first statistic in madVR's OSD indicates the display refresh rate.

Network Streaming Efficiency

Evaluation of OTT playback efficiency was done by playing back our standard YouTube test stream and five minutes from our standard Netflix test title. Using HTML5, the YouTube stream plays back a 720p encoding. Since YouTube now defaults to HTML5 for video playback, we have stopped evaluating Adobe Flash acceleration. Note that only NVIDIA exposes GPU and VPU loads separately. Both Intel and AMD bundle the decoder load along with the GPU load. The following two graphs show the power consumption at the wall for playback of the HTML5 stream in Mozilla Firefox (v 50.1.0).

YouTube Streaming - HTML5: Power Consumption

GPU load was around 11.59% for the YouTube HTML5 stream and 4.26% for the steady state 6 Mbps Netflix streaming case.

Netflix streaming evaluation was done using the Windows 10 Netflix app. Manual stream selection is available (Ctrl-Alt-Shift-S) and debug information / statistics can also be viewed (Ctrl-Alt-Shift-D). Statistics collected for the YouTube streaming experiment were also collected here.

Netflix Streaming - Windows 10 Metro App: Power Consumption

Given the gaming focus, it is no surprise that the EN1080 is not the most power-efficient platform for pure OTT streaming use-cases.

Decoding and Rendering Benchmarks

In order to evaluate local file playback, we concentrate on Kodi (for the casual user) and madVR (for the HTPC enthusiast). Under madVR, we decided to test out only the default out-of-the-box configuration (with stress configurations stowed away for a dedicated HTPC GPU review).

madVR 0.90.4 was evaluated with MPC-HC and the LAV Filters included in it. The default configuration (dxva2n) was used for all the LAV Filters options.

In our earlier reviews, we focused on presenting the GPU loading and power consumption at the wall in a table (with problematic streams in bold). Starting with the Broadwell NUC review, we decided to represent the GPU load and power consumption in a graph with dual Y-axes. Eleven different test streams of 90 seconds each were played back with a gap of 30 seconds between each of them. The characteristics of each stream are annotated in the relevant region in the graph. Note that the GPU usage is graphed in red and green, and needs to be considered against the left axis, while the at-wall power consumption is graphed in blue and teal, and needs to be considered against the right axis.

GPU loading is less than 60% even for madVR active with HEVC 10b content being decoded (4K to 1080p downsample). It is unlikely that the EN1080 will encounter any media file that can't be decoded and post-processed using madVR's default configuration. Kodi is even less taxing on the GPU.

Moving on to the codec support, the GTX 1080 comes with the latest and greatest VPU from NVIDIA. It has support for both VP9 and HEVC Main10. However, there seems to be no support for VP9 10-bit (that is currently not a deal-breaker for any HTPC). DXVA Checker serves as a confirmation.

Networking and Storage Performance Power Consumption and Thermal Performance
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  • Laststop311 - Sunday, January 15, 2017 - link

    lol the en1070 doesnt even come with a 1070 it comes with a crappy 960 and ti also doesnt come with the bad ass CPU/GPU water cooler the en980 en080 have. If you are a 1080p gamer you can get a barebones en980 system for 1200. Save the extra 800 saved for good peripherals a quality 10 dollar mechanical switch gaming keyboard quality 100 dollar gaming mouse and use the other 800 left from not getting crap ram and storage and spend 550 on a 2TB SD and a super fast 512GB PCI-e drive. Instead of getting the 1080 system. The en980 is a killer buy
  • TheinsanegamerN - Tuesday, January 17, 2017 - link

    what on earth are you smoking? The EN1070 comes with...wait for it.... the mobile 1070, hence the name.
  • OrphanageExplosion - Monday, December 26, 2016 - link

    GTX 1080 can run get excellent results on a 4K screen. The secret is not to whack everything up to ultra and expect 60fps+. I prefer to game with v-sync and a locked frame-rate and have my GTX 1080 hooked up to a 4K UHD TV.

    A really good tip is to set a 50Hz 4K resolution. Per frame there's just a 3.3ms persistence difference between 50Hz and 60Hz and you effectively reduce your GPU requirement by 17.5% for what - to the human eye - a very similar looking experience.

    Combine that with dialling down settings from ultra to high (very little visual impact in 99% of scenarios if we're being honest) and for most games, you're done. I'd also not be afraid of using game resolution scalers - 90% of 4K on a 4K screen combined with decent anti-aliasing can look excellent (Battlefield/Battlefront are good games to try).
  • bkydcmpr - Friday, December 30, 2016 - link

    With some hardware update (eye tracking) and algorithm improvement, gtx 1080 might be able to handle 4k vr contents.
  • Laststop311 - Sunday, January 22, 2017 - link

    The en1070 does not come with the amazing liquid cooled GPU and liquid cooled CPU giving the 1080 AMAZING acoustics. People have said it is quieter than a large amount of full towers. It also does not come with usb 3.1 gen 2 on the front and it only uses a 35 watt CPU. And does the en1070 actually come with a 1070 as the en970 actually came with a gtx 960. Don't think the en1070 has pci-e x4 enabled m2 just SATA.

    2000 dollars is a good deal for a PC loaded with top specs and water blocks on the GPU and CPU for full liquid cooling the thermals are amazing and the noise output is top class that also leads to the price being worth it. You Can get the best of the best 2x8GB sodimms for 120 dollars and even though they downclock to 2133 since they are rated for 3000 they are higher quality memory chips so while you can only get the speed to 2133 you can get really tight timings with the higher quality memory ics and get memory latency to a rly good number. The machine is tiny and they don't even really charge much extra for all the engineering to get it in a tiny space with dual liquid cooling. It also has way better port selection than the 1070. Front USB type c + a at 10gbps should be a main priority so your front ports aren't outdated the day you buy it. Sure the chip and graphics card should only command like an extra 400 not 800 you are getting the amazing cooling tech super quiet acoustics and more advanced ports for the remaining 400 with whatever is left for there tiny bit of markup they do.

    Who cares if 1 1080 isn't enough for 4k gaming. Like 0.2% of the population games at 4k and i think its pointless. I've tried games at both 4k and 1440 and honestly getting consistent 100+ fps at 1440 is a better gaming experience then even a steady 60 fps at 4k with a 144hz g sync monitor. Both are so crisp you need a much bigger display then 27 or 32 inches for 4k to make an honest to goodness useful difference.

    A GTX 1080 allows you to keep this system with a really high end 10 bit billion color panel quantum dot layer VA panel type for 3000:1 Static contrast ratio for superior blacks to IPS with the quantum dot layer making even VA surpass IPS in color fidelity. Zero color banding with 10 bit a 144hz refresh with a g sync module inside and with the GTX 1080 and i7 6700 and fast NVME SSD you will easily be able to play all the latest triple AAA titles at max details with super quick loading times and 1920x1080 for literally close to a full decade if not over a decade with the rate CPU's are improving. Plus the way consoles hold back game manufacturers from really going crazy, and still have perfectly smooth 60+ fps g sync butter smooth gaming with no tearing.

    Flash is advancing at breakneck speeds and even the cheapest m2 NVME drives are incredibly fast. Now the sweet spot is a 1TB m2 drive (intels is very affordable but Samsung is king of speed) and a 2TB Crucial MX300 2.5" SSD (it's only 25 cents per Gb! at that price a 256GB drive would only be like 60 dollars). Keeping inline with keeping this PC a decade with the rate flash is improving in 5 years you can turn the 2.5" and m2 drives into external usb 3.1 gen 2 10gbps drives for dirt cheap and get a 4TB m2 drive that will probably be able to max out the full 4GB/sec read and write of the pci-e x4 link by then and have like a crazy 80-100k iops for 4k QD1 vs the current 14k for the Samsung and a 8TB 2.5" SSD drive with fully saturated sata 6 and 50k+ QD1 iops for the same price as the current 1 and 2 TB drives so the storage drive limitation will be no problem. Or better yet just stick a really good Samsung 960 pro 512GB or 1TB, depending on how many important apps you use for work and how many games you play a lot that are very important to you, in there and use a NAS in another room for bulk storage to keep ur noise levels in the home theater room quiet.Remember flash is going to plummet in price they went back to like 48nm lithography for the 3d nand which boosted its endurance and speed ratings back up and they have been increasing the layers to get more density. Once they have mastered 3d nand enough and they can shrink it from the HUGE 48nm to the 16nm flash many are using all the while adding more layers. Prices are going to fall faster than womens panties at a justin bieber concert and capacities are going to skyrocket with 6-10TB being the norm for a 2.5" drive. The spinning platters days are numbered for home users. Enterprise I can see kinda downshifting everything like putting in SSD's where they used to have 15k HDD's + 10k HDDS and high performance 7200, maybe 15k most likely 10k or 7.2k HDDS where they used to use 5400 rpm HDD's for less accessed but still needed files and 5400 rpm HDD's replacing all the really old super slow tape archival rarely accessed data drives. So HDD's will live on in the enterprise archival space and cloud storage archival for a very long time. But client consumer pc's pfft the HDD is on it's last leg not even 2 legs soon all consumer PC's will be SSD with a new tech like optane or maybe something a little better for the type of consumer that was an early SSD adopter and wants something faster than the standard drive now.
  • Laststop311 - Sunday, January 22, 2017 - link

    the above post is what happens when you take 7x 30mg adderall pills
  • jhoff80 - Monday, December 19, 2016 - link

    Wait, seriously there are two separate power bricks needed for this thing? As far as I'm concerned, it defeats the purpose of its small size when you need two power bricks that combined are about half the size of the PC itself.
  • DanNeely - Monday, December 19, 2016 - link

    Could be trying to avoid the need for a grounded power cable, the limit for a 2 prong cord is 250W (not sure if that's a global standard, but since SOP is to make everything but the plug global they'd need a grounded brick everywhere regardless). OTOH it could just be availability, 250W bricks were relatively hard to find on Google and only marginally capable of running the system; and I struck out on finding a 300W brick entirely
  • Death666Angel - Monday, December 19, 2016 - link

    Dell seems to ship 330W PSUs with their Alienware M18 laptop.
  • BrokenCrayons - Monday, December 19, 2016 - link

    Dell is a larger company. They can probably more easily design something suitable in-house or negotiate favorable pricing from a supplier. Zotac may simply not have the resources or reach to do the same thing in a cost-effective manner, thus forcing the company into shipping a dual PSU solution in order to maintain their target price point.

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