AMD's Full Teaser Text

On June 01, 2016 at 10 a.m. China Standard Time (3 a.m. BST / 4 a.m. CEST) the Radeon Technologies Group will be announcing:

  • Radeon™ RX 480 set to drive premium VR experiences into the hands of millions of consumers; priced from just $199
  •  First Polaris architecture-based graphics processor to deliver VR capability common in $500 GPUs; expected to accelerate the size of the VR-ready install-base and dramatically increase the pace of VR ecosystem growth
  • RadeonTM RX 480 specifications including:
  AMD Radeon RX 480
Compute Units 36
Memory Bandwidth 256GB/sec
Memory Clock 8Gbps GDDR5
Memory Bus Width 256-bit
Typical Board Power 150W
VR Premium Yes
AMD FreeSync Yes
DisplayPort 1.3/1.4 HDR

Set to formally launch on June 29th, the Radeon™ RX 480 will deliver the world’s most affordable solution for premium PC VR experiences, including a model that is both HTC™ Vive Ready and Oculus™ Rift™ certified and delivering VR capability common in $500 GPUs.

In a notable market survey, price was a leading barrier to adoption of VR. The $199 SEP for select Radeon™ RX Series GPUs is an integral part of AMD’s strategy to dramatically accelerate VR adoption and unleash the VR software ecosystem. AMD expects that its aggressive pricing will jumpstart the growth of the addressable market for PC VR and accelerate the rate at which VR headsets drop in price:

  • More affordable VR-ready desktops and notebooks: AMD expects that affordable PC VR enabled by Polaris architecture-based graphics cards will drive a wide range of VR-ready desktops and notebooks, providing a catalyst for the expansion of the addressable market to an estimated 100 million consumers over the next 10 years.
  • Making VR accessible to consumers in retail: Thus far, retail has not been a viable channel for VR sales as average system costs exceeding $999 have precluded VR-ready PCs from seeing substantial shelf space. The Radeon™ RX Series graphics cards will enable OEMs to build ideally priced VR-ready desktops and notebooks well suited for the retail PC market.
  • Unleashing VR developers on a larger audience: Adoption of PC VR technologies by mainstream consumers is expected to spur further developer interest across the ecosystem, unleashing new VR applications in education, entertainment, and productivity as developers seek to capitalize on the growing popularity of the medium.
  • Reducing the cost of entry to VR: AMD expects that affordable PC VR enabled by Polaris architecture-based graphics cards will dramatically accelerate the pace of the VR ecosystem, driving greater consumer adoption, further developer interest, and increased production of HMDs, ultimately resulting in a lower cost of entry as prices throughout the VR ecosystem decrease over time.

The Radeon™ RX Series launch represents the first salvo in AMD’s new “Water Drop” strategy aimed at releasing new graphics architectures in high volume segments first to support continued market share growth for Radeon™ GPUs. In May 2016, Mercury Research reported that AMD gained 3.2% market share in discrete GPUs in Q1 2016. The Radeon™ RX Series will address a substantial opportunity in PC gaming: more than 13.8 million PC gamers who spend $100-300 to upgrade their graphics cards, and 84% of competitive and AAA PC gamers. With Polaris architecture-based Radeon™ RX Series graphics cards, AMD intends to redefine the gaming experience in its class, introducing dramatically improved performance and efficiency, support for compelling VR experiences, and incredible features never before possible at these prices.

Supporting Quotes:

“VR is the most eagerly anticipated development in immersive computing ever, and is the realization of AMD’s Cinema 2.0 vision that predicted the convergence of cinematic visuals and interactivity back in 2008,” said Raja Koduri, senior vice president and chief architect, Radeon Technologies Group, AMD. “As we look to fully connect and immerse humanity through VR, cost remains the daylight between VR being the purview of the wealthy, and universal access for everyone. The Radeon™ RX Series is the disruptive technology that adds rocket fuel to the VR inflection point, turning it into a technology with transformational relevance to consumers.”

“The Radeon™ RX series efficiency is driven by major architectural improvements and the industry’s first 14nm FinFET process technology for discrete GPUs, and could mark an important inflection point in the growth of virtual reality,” said Patrick Moorhead, principal analyst, Moor Insights & Strategy. “By lowering the cost of ownership and increasing the VR TAM, Radeon RX Series has the potential to propel VR-ready systems into retail in higher volumes, drive new levels of VR content investment, and even drive down the cost of VR headsets.”

“We congratulate AMD for bringing a premium VR ready GPU to market at a $199 price point,” said Dan O’Brien, vice president of virtual reality, HTC.  “This shows how partners like AMD survey the entire VR ecosystem to bring an innovative Radeon RX Series product to power high end VR systems like the HTC Vive, to the broadest range of consumers.”

AMD Teases Radeon RX 480
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  • HollyDOL - Wednesday, June 1, 2016 - link

    Depends how long do you want to endure with your card and whether you want max quality or are fine with some lower ones...

    As for max settings... If you upgrade every generation, both will be fine... If you upgrade every 2 generations, 1070 should be fine but hard to guess about 480 now... If you upgrade on longer basis you might want the top star.

    I still run on 2011 GTX-580 and only recently started hitting the wall (1440p as well). So unless something big happens flagship card should be pretty decent for 4 years. One step lower would hit the limits much sooner, my guess is ~2,5yrs. Lower cards then, if you want to play on max quality you'd be swapping every 12-18 months, some fresh&crazy games won't be able to run it on full detail. As for Rx 480... nobody has a clue how strong it will stand, but I'd guess it to be lower than 1070 so guessing 12-18 months.
  • maximumGPU - Wednesday, June 1, 2016 - link

    Just now started hitting the wall on a 580 at 1440p?!
    i had a 670 (roughly equivalent to your 580), and that could barely play any games on med to high settings at 1440p. you must've sacrificed quite a bit on your graphics.
    Only when i upgraded to 970 was there relief at that resolution.
  • HollyDOL - Wednesday, June 1, 2016 - link

    Nope... I play on max and had no issues so far... until Witcher 3 and Black Desert Online (this year, I waited with W3 to get patches done) which both turned it in a slideshow renderer (below 20FPS). But until then, no visible issues. Not that I would start drilling my knees if FPS dropped to 30ish. That given I have OCed watercooled model from EVGA, but that's why I subtracted a year from useful-life-span.
  • atlantico - Thursday, June 2, 2016 - link

    You're right, the GTX580 can't run games from 2012 and onwards at 1440p in high settings. It will do games from 2010 like Fallout New Vegas in the highest settings at 1440p, but Dragon Age Inquisition (2012), forget it. On highest settings the GTX580 will squeeze out 20ish fps at 1440p.
  • mapesdhs - Friday, June 3, 2016 - link

    I've tested a lot of 580s, including numerous 3GB models (I have six of the completely crazy MSI LEs), also tested 970, 980s and 980 Ti. A single good 980 beats two 580s SLI, sometimes coming close to three 580s. A 970 is about on par with two 580s.

    I used 2x 580 3GB SLI for a fair while, but I'm glad I switched to a 980 as even two 580s couldn't handle what I was trying to do with custom settings for Crysis and maxed out settings for E.D. (VRAM capacity being the issue as often as performance). All depends on the game, resolution, and one's predilection for maxed/custom settings, mods, etc.

    If one uses typical middling game settings though, then 580 SLI is still pretty decent in many cases, though the 1.5GB versions would likely be not so good for 1440p. Thankfully, 3GB models are cheap.
  • adamod - Wednesday, June 1, 2016 - link

    i ran an r9 280x at 1440p with high (not ultra) settings and aa and af off with no problems, i dont check the fps because i dont really give a shit what the number is so long as it is playable and it was more than enough.....that said some more eye candy would have been greatly appreciated....i have to think for current games this will be fine and honestly depending on how developers take on dx12 might be ok for some future titles as well, but maybe not...?
  • praxis22 - Wednesday, June 1, 2016 - link

    The 390 does better at 1440 than it does at 1080, so given that the 480 is broadly similar to the 390 I'd say yes. especially in smaller case with a smaller PSU.
  • medi03 - Wednesday, June 1, 2016 - link

    480x I'd say for 1440p, it should be within 10-15% of 1070 for about half of the price.
  • Valantar - Wednesday, June 1, 2016 - link

    You have seen the reviews where the 1070 _crushes_ the 390X at 2560x1440, right? As in ~50% better? I'm an AMD fan, but this card isn't going to touch the 1070. No way. I doubt it would get anywhere near 15% below the 1070, even in best case scenarios. Nor is it meant to, at that price. but if it performs 60-70% of the 1070 at 55% of the price, that's great value for money, and a clear win for AMD.
  • Zingam - Wednesday, June 1, 2016 - link

    Is VR going to take off successfully this time around or it will plunge into the ground soon afterwards once more?

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