Kicking off at this moment is AMD’s Computex 2016 keynote. The company has multiple announcements scheduled this evening, but we’re going to jump right into an area that has been of extreme interest for many of our readers: GPUs.

Ahead of this evening’s event, AMD sent out an email to the press teasing the first of their discrete Polaris architecture based cards. Called the Radeon RX 480, AMD has unveiled much of the product’s specifications, but also its price and availability. When the card hits the streets on June 29th, it will be starting at the crucial mainstream battleground price point of $199.

AMD Radeon GPU Specification Comparison
  AMD Radeon RX 480 AMD Radeon R9 390X AMD Radeon R9 390 AMD Radeon R9 380
Stream Processors 2304
(36 CUs)
(44 CUs)
(40 CUs)
(28 CUs)
Texture Units (Many) 176 160 112
ROPs (A Positive Integer) 64 64 32
Boost Clock >1.08GHz 1050MHz 1000MHz 970MHz
Memory Clock 8Gbps GDDR5 5Gbps GDDR5 5Gbps GDDR5 5.5Gbps GDDR5
Memory Bus Width 256-bit 512-bit 512-bit 256-bit
Transistor Count ? 6.2B 6.2B 5.0B
Typical Board Power 150W 275W 275W 190W
Manufacturing Process GloFo 14nm FinFET TSMC 28nm TSMC 28nm TSMC 28nm
Architecture GCN 4 GCN 1.1 GCN 1.1 GCN 1.2
GPU Polaris 10? Hawaii Hawaii Tonga
Launch Date 06/29/16 06/18/15 06/18/15 06/18/15
Launch Price $199 $429 $329 $199

First off, the RX 480 will include 36 CUs. If we assume 64 stream processors to a CU – the GCN standard – then this brings us to 2304 SPs. AMD has not named the specific Polaris GPU being used here, but given the CU count I believe it’s reasonable to assume that this is a Polaris 10 SKU, as I’ve already seen Polaris 11 and it’s a very small chip better suited for notebooks.

AMD also revealed that the card would offer over 5 TFLOPs of compute performance. Given what we know about the CU count, this allows us to estimate the GPU clockspeed. This puts the lower bound of the GPU clockspeed at 1.08GHz and an upper bound (6 TFLOPs) at 1.3GHz, which would be in the range of 10-30% higher clocked than comparable Radeon 300 series cards.

In terms of raw numbers this puts the RX 480 just shy of the current Radeon R9 390. However it also doesn’t take into account the fact that one of the major focuses for Polaris will be in improving architectural efficiency. I would certainly expect that even at the lower end of clockspeed estimates, RX 480 could pull ahead of the R9 390, in which case we’re looking at a part that would deliver performance between the R9 390 and R9 390X, with final clockspeeds and architectural efficiency settling just how close to R9 390X the new card gets.

On the memory front the card is equipped with 8Gbps GDDR5, running along a 256-bit memory bus. This is the typical bus width for AMD x80-series cards, and the high clocked 8Gbps GDDR5 means that we’re looking at a total of 256GB/sec of memory bandwidth to feed the RX 480’s GPU. AMD’s partners will be offering both 4GB and 8GB cards, and for the purposes of this teaser I assume that pricing information will be for the 4GB card, with 8GB serving as a premium option.

Finally, AMD has also revealed the TDP for the RX 480, stating that it will be a 150W card. As Polaris is built on 14nm FinFET, we’re seeing first-hand the benefits of finally making the long-awaited jump off of 28nm, as this means we’re looking at Radeon R9 390 series performance in a card that, on paper, consumes only a bit more than half the power. This also puts the RX 480 right in the sweet spot for mainstream cards, as 150W has traditionally struck a good balance between performance and power consumption that allows for a fast card that doesn’t require aggressive cooling, and is more compatible with OEM computer vendor case & cooling designs.

Cementing its place as a mainstream card, the RX 480 pricing will start at $199. This is an aggressive and heavily fought over price point that has traditionally defined the mainstream segment, attracting buyers who want great 1080p gaming performance that sub-$150 value cards can’t offer, without moving up to more expensive (and power hungry) $300+ cards. In this sense the RX 480 is a direct replacement for the R9 380, AMD’s Tonga-based card that hit the market roughly a year ago at the same price. Going by the raw numbers alone, RX 480 would be 40% (or more) faster than the R9 380.

Meanwhile I won’t speculate too much on the competitive market from a teaser, but it’s worth noting that this is nearly half the price of NVIDIA’s currently cheapest Pascal card, the GeForce GTX 1070. Interestingly both cards have the same 150W TDP, but looking at the throughput figures it does not look like RX 480 is meant to offer quite as high performance as NVIDIA’s card.

Moving on, along with teasing the RX 480’s specifications, AMD’s teaser also laid out their marketing plans for the card. We’re previously talked about how both Oculus and Valve/HTC were encouraging developers to treat VR like a fixed platform, and setting minimum hardware specifications to go along with that. On the AMD side those specifications called for a Radeon R9 290, which the RX 480 should be able to beat.

As a result AMD is planning on heavily promoting the VR aspects of the RX 480, as it brings the necessary performance down from a 250W, $300+ card to a 150W, $200 card. In fact AMD is claiming that VR performance will be closer to $500 video cards, in which case we’d be looking at performance closer to the Radeon R9 Nano, a Fiji based card.

With all of that said, the video card is just one component in the total price of a VR system – you still need the headset – but on the PC side it has also been the most expensive component. Consequently, AMD sees cheaper video cards that offer good VR performance as being important to bringing down the total price of a VR-ready system, and will be promoting the RX 480 as the prescription for entry-level VR needs. From a business perspective, AMD is ultimately expecting VR to be a fast-growing market, so the company wants to make sure they don’t miss out and have more VR-capable cards on the market as quickly as they can.

Along those lines, AMD’s release also makes note that at least one model will be “both HTC Vive Ready and Oculus Rift certified,” though no further details are being offered at this time. Whether this is just a certification matter or if there’s going to be something special about this model (e.g. connectors) is open to speculation.

Finally, now that they’ve revealed the price and much of the specifications of their first Polaris card, AMD is also releasing more details on their overall development and market positioning strategy with Polaris. As AMD has hinted at in the past, Polaris is being specifically developed for and aimed at the mainstream market. AMD wants to recapture lost market share – especially in laptops – and the large mainstream market is seen as the best way to do that. AMD is calling this their “water drop” strategy, and I expect we’ll hear a bit more about it tonight, including the meaning behind the name.

And with all of that said, it looks like we’re going to have a lot of AMD to talk about on June 29th. So until they, stay tuned.

Above: AMD SVP & Chief Architect Raja Koduri, Who Is Very Happy That Polaris Is About To Launch

AMD's Full Teaser Text
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  • HollyDOL - Wednesday, June 1, 2016 - link

    Depends how long do you want to endure with your card and whether you want max quality or are fine with some lower ones...

    As for max settings... If you upgrade every generation, both will be fine... If you upgrade every 2 generations, 1070 should be fine but hard to guess about 480 now... If you upgrade on longer basis you might want the top star.

    I still run on 2011 GTX-580 and only recently started hitting the wall (1440p as well). So unless something big happens flagship card should be pretty decent for 4 years. One step lower would hit the limits much sooner, my guess is ~2,5yrs. Lower cards then, if you want to play on max quality you'd be swapping every 12-18 months, some fresh&crazy games won't be able to run it on full detail. As for Rx 480... nobody has a clue how strong it will stand, but I'd guess it to be lower than 1070 so guessing 12-18 months.
  • maximumGPU - Wednesday, June 1, 2016 - link

    Just now started hitting the wall on a 580 at 1440p?!
    i had a 670 (roughly equivalent to your 580), and that could barely play any games on med to high settings at 1440p. you must've sacrificed quite a bit on your graphics.
    Only when i upgraded to 970 was there relief at that resolution.
  • HollyDOL - Wednesday, June 1, 2016 - link

    Nope... I play on max and had no issues so far... until Witcher 3 and Black Desert Online (this year, I waited with W3 to get patches done) which both turned it in a slideshow renderer (below 20FPS). But until then, no visible issues. Not that I would start drilling my knees if FPS dropped to 30ish. That given I have OCed watercooled model from EVGA, but that's why I subtracted a year from useful-life-span.
  • atlantico - Thursday, June 2, 2016 - link

    You're right, the GTX580 can't run games from 2012 and onwards at 1440p in high settings. It will do games from 2010 like Fallout New Vegas in the highest settings at 1440p, but Dragon Age Inquisition (2012), forget it. On highest settings the GTX580 will squeeze out 20ish fps at 1440p.
  • mapesdhs - Friday, June 3, 2016 - link

    I've tested a lot of 580s, including numerous 3GB models (I have six of the completely crazy MSI LEs), also tested 970, 980s and 980 Ti. A single good 980 beats two 580s SLI, sometimes coming close to three 580s. A 970 is about on par with two 580s.

    I used 2x 580 3GB SLI for a fair while, but I'm glad I switched to a 980 as even two 580s couldn't handle what I was trying to do with custom settings for Crysis and maxed out settings for E.D. (VRAM capacity being the issue as often as performance). All depends on the game, resolution, and one's predilection for maxed/custom settings, mods, etc.

    If one uses typical middling game settings though, then 580 SLI is still pretty decent in many cases, though the 1.5GB versions would likely be not so good for 1440p. Thankfully, 3GB models are cheap.
  • adamod - Wednesday, June 1, 2016 - link

    i ran an r9 280x at 1440p with high (not ultra) settings and aa and af off with no problems, i dont check the fps because i dont really give a shit what the number is so long as it is playable and it was more than enough.....that said some more eye candy would have been greatly appreciated....i have to think for current games this will be fine and honestly depending on how developers take on dx12 might be ok for some future titles as well, but maybe not...?
  • praxis22 - Wednesday, June 1, 2016 - link

    The 390 does better at 1440 than it does at 1080, so given that the 480 is broadly similar to the 390 I'd say yes. especially in smaller case with a smaller PSU.
  • medi03 - Wednesday, June 1, 2016 - link

    480x I'd say for 1440p, it should be within 10-15% of 1070 for about half of the price.
  • Valantar - Wednesday, June 1, 2016 - link

    You have seen the reviews where the 1070 _crushes_ the 390X at 2560x1440, right? As in ~50% better? I'm an AMD fan, but this card isn't going to touch the 1070. No way. I doubt it would get anywhere near 15% below the 1070, even in best case scenarios. Nor is it meant to, at that price. but if it performs 60-70% of the 1070 at 55% of the price, that's great value for money, and a clear win for AMD.
  • Zingam - Wednesday, June 1, 2016 - link

    Is VR going to take off successfully this time around or it will plunge into the ground soon afterwards once more?

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